What an amazing National Rum Day!
On the 16th August we hosted an amazing sold out Rum event on board The Golden Hinde Ship.
To showcase the category we had the following brands on board:
-Rhum Damoiseau
-Ron Companero
-Pirate’s Grog
-Bayou Rum
-Clarke’s Court
-William Hinton
-Clifton Estate Spiced
We also hosted 2 sessions of our very first RumCask VIP room. The two rums we selected were:
-Rhum Damoiseau 2009 Millesime
-SBS Mauritius 2008 (Port Cask Finish)
A huge shout out to those who attended and supported this special event. A special thanks to Mark Theron the creator of Clifton Estate Spiced who joined us on board. Another special thanks to the Mayor Of Barking and Dagenham, Peter Chand and his family who also came along to join us!
Great times had and more ahead as we already have our next event confirmed as 17th October back on the Golden Hinde. This time we will be showcasing some brands that are not available in the UK! Come along as get some exclusive insight into the global world of Rum! Thanks again and look forward to seeing you all then!