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Rum Used In Health And Beauty?

The British Navy gave rations of rum to its sailors until the 1970s. You can find a link to a bit more information on Rum and the Navy here. At that time it was thought that rum was the reason for…

Christopher Columbus

Almost everybody will know that Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer. He completed four voyages over the Atlantic Ocean to try to establish permanent settlements in the Caribbean and he started the Spanish Colonisation of the new world…

Rum From Asia?

As mentioned in previous posts, the bulk of rum produced today comes from the Caribbean and Latin America. However, rum can be produced anywhere that sugar cane grows which is over 70 countries worldwide. Brazil and India produce…

The Bacardi Bat

There are many famous symbols in rum; the Captain of Captain Morgan, the Appleton Estate banner, but one of, if not the most famous, is the Bacardi Bat. We have seen that bat on a variety of different TV adverts, Bacardi…

What Do You Call It?

As mentioned in a couple of earlier posts, rum has many nicknames including Nelsons Blood and grog. Alternatives include; Rumbullion, kill-devil, navy neaters, Barbados water and pirate’s drink. One of the theories of the origin of the word rum, is from Rumbullion, which…

Rum & The Navy

Rum has been associated with the navy and sailors for a long time. It began in 1655 when the British fleet colonised Jamaica. However, the navy were not used to the potent effect of the rum when drunk it large quantities.…

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