Miami Rum Tasting – The Meridian Hotel, South Beach

On Friday 7th February, we had our first event in America in conjuction with Montanya Rum.

We went to the amazing Urbanica Bar at part of Meridian Hotels in South Beach as we knew it would be the perfect setting for this showcase.

Alongside Montanya Rum from Colorado we also had the owners and founders behind the amazing Saint Benevolence pouring some delicious Clairin from Haiti alongside us.

We brought some amazing r(h)um with us from the UK and Europe to highlight some of our favourites that should be more available to our friends on the other side of the pond. The rums we had out in cocktails and neat were:

-Saint Benevolence
-Rhum Damoiseau
-William George
-Rum Exchange

Truly blessed to have had an amazing evening with wonderful people and delicious rums and cocktails. We look forward to future events in the US to showcase some of the best from Europe!

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