Use feature columns to highlight key information of one or multiple sections. Featured columns can be aligned, left, center, right and further styled using icons and boxes.
4 Mobile App Layouts
To help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.[/tm_feature_columns]
Extend Provided Layouts
Want to make a layout your own. No problem, we’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.[/tm_feature_columns]
From Head to Toe
Building WordPress landing pages for your web app? No problem, override global headers and footers on a per page basis to get a totally unique look for your page layout.[/tm_feature_columns]
Extend Provided Layouts
Want to make a layout your own. We’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.[/tm_feature_columns]
4 Web App Layouts
To help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.[/tm_feature_columns]
Templates On The Go
Speed up your workflow by inserting layouts into the page you’re working on. Access layouts and sections from our custom built-in template library.[/tm_feature_columns]
Warhol is a multipurpose WordPress theme with a focus on creative agencies and freelancers.
[/tm_textblock][tm_button margin_bottom=”0″ margin_bottom_mobile=”0″ button_label=”Discover More” button_size=”medium” border_style=”rounded” bkg_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” bkg_color_hover=”#2d66f7″ border_color=”#ffffff” border_color_hover=”#2d66f7″ label_color=”#ffffff” label_color_hover=”#ffffff”]4 Mobile App Layouts
To help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.[/tm_feature_columns]
Extend Provided Layouts
Want to make a layout your own. No problem, we’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.[/tm_feature_columns]
Templates on the Go
Speed up your workflow by inserting entire layouts into the page you are working on. Access all layouts and sections directly from our custom built-in template library.[/tm_feature_columns]
From Head to Toe
Building WordPress landing pages for your web app? No problem, override global headers and footers on a per page basis to get a totally unique look for your page layout.[/tm_feature_columns]
Animated Featured Columns
Use one of our 30+ animations to animate columns as they enter into view.
[/tm_textblock]Optimised for Speed
We’ve taken the necessary steps to ensure Warhol loads fast & scores high in tests like GTMatrix and Pingdom.
Warhol can be easily adapted to any project you may have, from a design studio to a mobile app and travel agencies.
[/tm_feature_columns]Docs & Video Tuts
With every purchase of Warhol you get access to extensive documentation as well as narrated, hi-resolution video tutorials
[/tm_feature_columns]4 MOBILE APP LAYOUTS
To help you get started with your web app landing or homepage, we’ve provided 4 variations of the web app concept, including a one-page demo as well.[/tm_feature_columns][tm_feature_columns icon_id=”tm-entypo-icon-crop” textarea_html_bkg_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”icon-circled” bkg_color=”#fafafa” bkg_color_hover=”#fafafa” border_color=”#2d66f7″ border_color_hover=”#2d66f7″ label_color=”#2d66f7″ label_color_hover=”#2d66f7″ slide_id=”9af2d690-efa5-5″]
Speed up your workflow by inserting entire layouts into the page you are working on. Access all layouts and sections directly from our custom built-in template library.[/tm_feature_columns]
Want to make a layout your own. No problem, we’ve prepared every section as a separate element that you can insert and modify using Visual Composer Page Builder.
[/tm_feature_columns][tm_feature_columns icon_id=”tm-entypo-icon-flow-parallel” textarea_html_bkg_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”icon-circled” bkg_color=”#fafafa” bkg_color_hover=”#fafafa” border_color=”#2d66f7″ border_color_hover=”#2d66f7″ label_color=”#2d66f7″ label_color_hover=”#2d66f7″ slide_id=”9af2d690-efa5-5″]FROM HEAD TO TOE
Building WordPress landing pages for your web app? No problem, override global headers and footers on a per page basis to get a totally unique look for your page layout.[/tm_feature_columns]